Ecosystems of the Gobi Desert
It’s not often you hear the word Gobi without the word desert attached: the image of a barren, lifeless place of endless billowing sand dunes is firmly affixed to the term desert in the mind of the general public.
Carol Tanenbaum – A Photojournal Excerpt
Lake Hovsgol Feb 19, 2007 — Beginnings The road from Moron to Lake Hovsgol is more the suggestion of a pathway for vehicles than a highway. Deeply frozen ruts, mostly, interspersed with rocky patches. The two-and-a-half hour trip becomes smoother once we reach the lake, as the lake turns into the highway. It begins to […]
Sas Carey Q&A: An Interview with the Nomadicare Founder
“Footprints carry a person’s individual vibration, recognized by the spirits,” writes Sas Carey, author of Reindeer Herders in My Heart — Stories of Healing Journeys in Mongolia. In this candid interview Sas speaks about one of the last remaining nomadic societies on Earth, their way of life, history, religious practices, strengths, and their determination to keep the […]